Friday, November 05, 2010

Creativity Room

I just googled myself and found that this blog is the second result and has had 9 recent visits! So, in case you are interested in what I'm doing and thinking about now, best to visit
Thanks for your interest

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

waves of enthusiasm

We've just had another Operate Theatre Forum and it was a great opportunity to connect with theatre people and make some cool plans together. I've also had some time during the holidays to reconnect with what I want for this year and I'm planning the following:

1. to start a zine for theatre in Christchurch. Here is my call for contributions:I'm starting a zine for theatre in chch.
My philosophy for the zine is to really build community and make it a space for sharing and inspiring, rather than analysing and advertising. So I'd really like people to contribute things that they
feel passionate about
can enthuse about
feel inspired by
feel will inspire others
want to give or share
want to invite others to (to hang out, to contribute, to collaborate, to talk, to train etc)

Over time, I'd love to be able to include a statement of philosophy or purpose from each of the major companies in Christchurch, something of a manifesto or an answer to the question "what makes you passionate about what you are doing?"

You could also ask yourself what you would want to read if you picked up a zine on theatre. There are so many things that could be included, maybe there is something you really want to write an opinion piece about, or a cool theatre exercise you have recently used for the first time or invented, an experience you've had or a show or film you've seen, music you've heard etc I just want to be sure that if anyone wants to write about what is wrong with theatre in this city, they are also proposing some awesome solutions, ideas and ways forward for us!

I'd also like the zine to be interesting to look at, so if you felt like presenting your piece in an interesting way (handwritten for example), or including illustrations (or nice drawings of set or costume designs for a show of yours) etc., that would be lovely.

2. To start devising a piece in Lyttelton, ideally in the Harbour Light. A promenade piece, lots of images and great costumes, you know, my kind of stuff, poetic, surprising, liberating, beautiful.

3. To apply for a residency at the Arts Centre with Sally Ann McIntyre. She would have a residency, write a piece for theatre, then I would follow up with a residency to direct it. I don't have much idea about the content or theme for this, and am kind of interested in taking a very open approach and letting her write whatever she will.

Monday, April 06, 2009


Well, 2009 was all set to be a theatre-focused year, but at the moment it is looking a bit more like gentle development with one or two exciting bigger items (especially Love You Approximately, which will be performed in Spain in about a month).
+ a "Making Theatre and Physical Performance" course at CPIT. I'm so looking forward to teaching this year, as I missed it last year and had an awesome time with my weekend workshop in Site-Specific Theatre back in January.
+ Gentle ongoing planning work for "Angel" with Olli Ricken.
+ Making clothes and other handcrafts for Pocket, a new shop opening in Lyttelton May 2nd.
+ Some theatre training with Blackbird Theatre Company, particularly learning the Viewpoints approach.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


I've decided to have a theatre-heavy year in 2009. Aside from continued work on "Love You Approximately," I'm planning to work with Olli Ricken on a clown show, "Angel," devise a new show (working title "9pm") for performance at the Christchurch Art Gallery, and hopefully in Wellington as well, and direct a play written by Sally McIntyre. At the moment I'm about to start work on 4 Spanish costumes for the Lyttelton Street Party on 22 February and have ideas for another short short film.

Friday, January 09, 2009

Mia Verlaine ... Lights! Camera! Action!

We've just finished our week's work filming the New Zealand elements of Love You Approximately for the Spanish/Catalan version, which will be performed in Girona in May. It was very satisfying to see the whole script come together and feel how the story unfolds and have a real sense of what we've created so far. I had to feed in all of Pere's lines, so I really feel in there with the characters, and have started feeling sad about not going to Spain to see the show premiere there...


Monday, June 23, 2008

Love You Approximately

This week and last week have finally seen us launch into devising rehearsals for the clinic's new project "Love You Approximately". This piece is about a long-distance relationship, and all the devising, rehearsing and some of the performance will take place using distance technology - chat, email, skype (video conferencing), and maybe some phone calls and letters.

the clinic's website and our blog ( should soon have up to date information, and then be regularly updated about this project as it develops. Friends are also welcome to become friends with the two characters, Imogen and Pere, on facebook, and have input into the development of their story this way.

My role in the process is co-director and writer. Juieanne is the overall director, and it is her idea and project, coming out of her experience of living distant from her family and friends, and also drawing on both our experiences of long-distance relationships, the wonderful creativity of communication that they can foster, and the fantasy that builds up of the relationship over time.

So far we are pretty impressed with the progress we have been able to make having rehearsals on skype. Although it is weird for me, with a phyiscal theatre background, it is also pretty exciting.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Red days

This day I had had a dream that my recent ex had murdered my dog!