True Love of the Future (1979)
The photo is Milton on the way down from a hand-stand against the wall in the bedroom I think I will use for the bedroom in the piece.
I have finally finished "In the Name of Love" and found out what Tweedie thought about True Love (back in 1979 when she wrote the book) . . .
The goal of all humans living in modern society is to know themselves, to understand themselves, to have a clear picture of their identity, confidence to act from that place and awareness of their needs, talents and direction in life.
The problem with old fashioned love (love that is really passion and romance but not love as she understands it), is that we are using it to soothe our troubled egos, to patch up our unstable identities. We play roles (father husband to daughter wife or nanny wife to naughty boy husband etc.) to gain approval from the lover, but in so doing we miss the opportunity to have them accureately reflect us, so we continue to be confused about who we are.
The lovers of the future will be totally honest with one another - about their faults and failures as well as their talents and lovable qualities. They will not be dependent on one another for lies that make them feel temporarily OK. They will truthfully reflect the reality of the loved-one back to them, and each will have the strength to face the truth about themselves.
I like it, especially as I can see how important this sort of relationship is for building identity and confidence, self-knowledge, self-acceptance, self-love.
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