Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Rings Ritual

I am getting very excited about performing rituals. It is something that is very helpful for me at the moment, to process things in my life, but I'm also really keen to bring it into my teaching work. It is a fantastic cross-over between life and art, using art and creativity to encourage internal changes...

The first one, which I performed last Friday, was inspired by Sera Beak's "The Red Book". She describes a short ceremony in which she married herself, making vows to honour and protect herself and so on. I realised that perhaps wearing rings from my old relationships (for 12 years!) was not giving a good message to the universe/god/myself and constructed a ritual to bury the rings and bought myself a new ring which has come to symbolise my ONENESS (I much prefer thinking of myself as ONE than as "single").

Here is the place I did it, with the ring box and also a box of ashes of "links" between other people and things I associated with them or wanted from them (eg: "Joel - Love") which I had burnt a week earlier in another small ritual.

Here are the ashes and the three rings - two old and one new.

And here is the 'grave' ...


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