Saturday, November 04, 2006

Flight Patterns

Today I am thinking up a title, so I can make an ad for the Feast of New Theatre programme. Over the past week and a half, we have co written a poem for use in the play (I have decided to refer to it as a "theatre installation" in publicity materials), and the idea of "flight patterns" came up.

I have been wondering how much the show that is evolving from our time together is really about love, or whether some other ideas are coming through more strongly.

"Flight patterns" seems to capture something about the way we skirt around love, how we look for it, ask for it, try to understand it. I also like the idea of flight, of fleeing, in situations where we are hurt or feel old hurts coming to the surface, or are simply afraid of showing ourselves to another person, or of commitment.

The piece seems to be more about desire, which is interesting when I think about Tweedie's byline to "In the Name of Love" - "a study of human desire" or something. I think all along what has been interesting to me is not so much what love is like, what love is, but rather what we mistake for love, the things we get wrapped up in, the romance, the passion, the idea and expectation of love that can be so different from the reality.

Julieanne: suddenly your launch/birthday present becomes so relevant!


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